Monday, December 6, 2010

The meanings of specialized words

The three components of human speech and their primary

The Organ or Sense

Primary Function(s)


The mind provides:

1. vocabulary memory

2. partial syntax control

3. feedback coordination

4. calibration by the speaker to give meaning to the sounds

The mind is the storage bank for vocabulary. Memory is also involved in structuring syntax. The mind uses both auditory and proprioceptive feedback to monitor and calibrate speech in real time.

The mouth and related organs provide:

1. sound production

2. breath regulation

3. proprioceptive feedback to the mind in real time which regulates pronunciation and provides partial syntax control

The proprioceptive sense is involved in both pronunciation and syntax feedback. It is essential for speech control.

Hearing provides:

1. auditory feedback to the mind in real time

Auditory and proprioceptive feedback are combined in the mind for essential speech control.

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